Sovereignty in Spirituality

Read about my incredible journey of awakening in this 515 page book, that documents, over 18 chapters, all of my first hand experiences of being dragged into this invisible war ever since my activation and 'awakening' took place back in 2017. I cover everything from economics, exopolitics, to spirituality, holistic health, eschatology, prophecy, science, world structures, occult forces, technologies, cosmogony's, races, agendas, hidden history, astrology, theology, biology and more....

Learn about the Occult, New Age, Spirituality, Religion, Deleted History, Cosmogeny & more....

515 pages over 18 chapters

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Chapter 1: My Origins, Astrotheology, Ophiuchus, 9/11, Stargates, Kathara Grid, The Bottomless Pit Revelations 9:11, My Teen Years

Chapter 2: Economics, Banking Law, Banks as Credit Creators, Esoteric Analysis of Banks and Money, Anu-Elohim, The Moon, Graduation Ceremony

Chapter 3: Crown Chakra Activation, The Great Sign in Heaven & Jehovian Trumpets, Symbolism, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Nephilim Luciferian Aleister Crowley Jr. & Azazel

Chapter 4: Badbury Rings, Firmament, DNA, Our Holographic Template & Ascension, Ceremonial Magic & the Occult

Chapter 5: Bali Black Cube Moon & Anunnaki Experience, The 27 Club, The Black Cube & Saturn, The Kabbalah, The Book of Revelation, Wormwood, Nibiru & The Beast, Israel, The Zodiac, Astrobiology & Ophiuchus, Allah

Chapter 6: Genesis & History of our Time Matrix, The Christos Founders Races & Intruder Races, Metatron, Abaddon, Procyon, Apollyon, Andromeda/M31 & Black Hole Systems.

Chapter 7: Scorpio, Tribulation, Judgement day, Initiation, The Poison Apple, Adam & Eve, Venus, Lucifer, Bioregenesis/Hybridization Programs, The Femme Fatale, Jupiter, Je-Zeus & The 666 Gate Network, Tara & The Garden of Eden, Lulcas-Neanderthal Anunnaki Origins and Illuminati Leviathan Races, Agartha & The Drakons, Fibonacci & Krystic Spirals.

Chapter 8: Knowlton Church, Wimborne Cemetery, My LSD Experiences, Cannon Hill Woods Initiation, Saturnā€™s Cracked Ring, Albany, Perfect Gods, Antares, Spirit Animals & 11:11.

Chapter 9: Easter 2019 Rituals, Notre Dame Cathedral Fire, Beelzebub, The Three Christā€™s Story & The Crucifixion, Heliocentric vs Geocentric, Tropical & Sidereal Astrology.

Chapter 10: Bournemouth 2019, Black Mirror A.I. Technology, Pluto, Angels & Archangels, Merkabah, Encountering a Seraphim, New Forest November Trip, Christmas 2019 Kundalini Experience, Chakras, The Djed & Jedi.

Chapter 11: The Strawman Deception, Trusts, Reincarnation & Consciousness Traps

Chapter 12: 2020 Bat Out of Hell, 5G, Transhumanism, Corona, Lockdowns, Demons, OBEā€™s, The Underworld, Shaman Galactivation Soul-braid/Walk-in Experience, Starseeds, Indigos & Phims, Karma

Chapter 13: 2021, Quantum Grammar Language Fraud, Tower of Babel, Words & Spells, Encountering Grey Aliens, The Super Soldier and Secret Space Program, Intruder Technologies, The Men In Black, My First Encounter with a Mantid/Aethian.

Chapter 14: Encountering Satan/Marduk/Enki & The Great Red Dragon, Freemasons, Bermuda Triangle, The Sinking of Atlantis, The Frequency Fence & Quarantine Earth, The Ego, Higher Self, Subconscious Mind & Intuition.

Chapter 15: MRI Scan, Holistic Health, Frequency Attacks, Barium, Dream Experiences & Reclaiming Multidimensional Aspects of Self, The Dreaming Mind, The Astral Body & Shadow Body Anatomy, Manifestation Transduction Sequence & The NET.

Chapter 16: Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Experience, Unpacking Christmas, Jesus Christ, The 12 Days of Christmas, The Freedom Teachings, 2022, Scarab Beetle Nephilim Infiltration, My 33rd Birthday, Horus & Hathor, Blue Sirian Being Eā€™Ah Visitation, The Zoitcast.

Chapter 17: My Twin Flame Union, Denver HQ for the Illuminati, The USA, The Four Corners, Atlantean Pylon Implant Network Maps (APIN), Jesus Christ Syncs, Thunderbolt from the Gods, Glastonbury, Milk Hillā€”Sargate-11, Crop Circles, FAtaLE SUccUby White Dragons, Cloaked Ships, 9/11 Rapture Event, Jesus Christ UCC-1 Filing, The Great Pyramid of Giza Arc of the Covenant Stargate Dream.

Chapter 18: 2023, Sekhmet, Jesus Syncs, The 777 Shift, The Deity Planes, D-Span 777 Gates & AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedral Networks, Dragon Races, Demons & Mirrors, Bali & The 777 Fold, Typhon, Using the Blood of Jesus Christ, The Fail-Safe Path of Mercy & Zero Tolerance, Wesadek Green Dragons & Cassius The Croc, Jesus ALHumBrha Shield Host, Jehovian Trumpet Outpicture Schedule

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